1-on-1 online Health Coaching

1 -on- 1 online health coaching for your health and nutrition related goals from the comfort of your own home.  Free consultation. See pricing for more details.

The secrets to success


We live in a society of instant gratification and tend to expect immediate results when we start any form of diet and exercise. This is why fad diets are so popular. Unfortunately, lasting results take time and patience.


Entering a new nutrition or fitness program can be so exciting! We revamp our refrigerators and pantries, we buy new sneakers or work out clothes. We go all in! But then, life happens. We have a bad day, we miss a work out, we eat something that makes us feel bad. We think, “what’s the point, I ruined everything” instead of thinking, “I wasn’t expecting this today but I’m not going to dwell because I know that progress is not ruined in a day. What’s the next right choice for me?”


Habit building is the most underrated key to your success. Building a foundation of small changes that make sense for you is what separates a fad diet from long, lasting results.


Food is fuel. But, it also brings people together, is rooted in different traditions and is meant to be enjoyed. Balancing pleasure and your goals is key to enjoying this process and maintaining results.

About me

Britni is a stay-at-home mother of 3 who loves all things nutrition and fitness. She holds a MS & BS in Food & Nutrition. Before having her third child she worked for over a decade as a Food Technologist designing military rations for Natick Army Labs. After the pandemic, she decided to leave her job to stay at home with her children. She worked part time as an online nutrition coach before becoming a dance fitness instructor and deciding to coach nutrition on her own. She specializes in habit based nutrition and women’s health. 

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